The New York City Downtown Boathouse is reaching out to aspiring kayakers through October 12. Their programs, which range from paddle classes to field trips, are held on weekends and holidays at Pier 40 (Houston Street), Pier 96 (West 56th Street), and the Riverside Park Promenade at West 72nd Street. (Pier 96 is also open on weekday evenings through August 28.) Whatever your skill level, the only requirement is that all participants know how to swim -- which means I'll only be canoeing in my dreams.
Speaking of dreams, aquaphobiacs don't have to worry about sleeping with the fishes -- just catch them instead with the help of Big City Fishing. Their catch-and-release sessions take place on weekends through Labor Day at Pier 46 (Charles Street) and Pier 84 (West 44th Street), as well as Tuesdays through Sundays in July and August.
My experiment in angling was long but fun. Patience was a virtue that came in handy as I spent more than two hours trying to lure species like oyster toadfish and white perch to my hook and line. The view of the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum and the sounds of the city didn't make for an idyllic setting, but I used the time to bond with Mother Nature and figure out what course my life is going to take. In the end, my efforts were in vain ... but I took great pride in trying something new.
That's a feeling no amount of money can buy.
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